The preparation phase

SIM Membership

We have successfully managed to pass through the SIM membership application process. We are now ‘appointee members’ whilst we wait to pass through the SIM orientation process known as SIM-Start. After this 7-day online (zoom meetings) orientation course we will have a good idea of who SIM is and how they operate. Our SIM-Start started

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Expensive Visa Complications

We’ve had a slight setback with regard to our visa application. I heard back from the Zambian Immigration department and unfortunately they reverted my application back to me because they require a “Business Endorsement Stamp” from my ’employer’ (Waymakers) in Zambia. Since Waymakers Zambia has only recently registered in Zambia, they were not able to

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Miles for a Fridge

Our Off-Road Fridge has Arrived! 😃 Thank you for everyone who contributed Discovery Miles to enable us to purchase this fridge at an incredible 55% discount! God has really used your generosity to prove to us His faithfulness to provide for our every need. Thank you very much indeed!  God has proven his faithfulness to

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