Visas Approved

Good news! We just heard last night that my work permit has been approved. Yay! 🤩

RenĂ©e’s spousal visa is attached to my work permit, so as I understand things, we both have visas to live in Zambia and serve the Luvale people of Chavuma for the next two years.

We can now get going on the vehicle export process which will take about 2 weeks to complete. Our estimated date of departure from Cape Town will be around 24 January.

Why a ‘work permit’?

I know it may be a bit confusing as to why we are applying for a ‘work permit’ if we are going to serve as volunteer missionaries.

Well, Zambia Immigration department doesn’t have a ‘missionary’ visa that they offer to missionaries. Missionaries (like us) have to apply for a ‘work permit’ – even though we are technically not employed by the Waymakers.

Mission organisations and churches are classified as NGOs or NPOs so when we as missionaries apply for a permit, it is considered a ‘work permit’ because we are ‘working’ with a NGO/NPO.

There is a lot of work to be done!

We are certainly going to be kept very busy with our missionary work in Zambia. This doesn’t mean that we will be earning an income for our work – as volunteers our work is a sacrifice of love offered to the Lord for the sake of His glory and for the people of Chavuma.

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”

Matthew 9:37

Thank you for your continued love and support for us.

“Together we serve to know Christ and to make Christ known” – TCC motto

4 thoughts on “Visas Approved”

    1. Thank you Johan. It is great to hear from you. I trust you are progressing well with your Congo River Mission vision. May God grant you open doors and sufficient resources to succeed in that endeavour.

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