As January drew to a close and Michael jotted down our income and expenses into the fancy spreadsheet he created, we held our breath. We wanted to trust God to provide for us financially but what will our bank balance look like? Were we in the red or the black?
Some time ago I wrote a post about learning to trust God in our finances. Michael and I both recently resigned from our salaried positions to step out in faith trusting that God will provide our needs. We worked out an estimated budget for our new lives in Chavuma and brought it before the Lord. We had no idea where the money would come from but we nervously entrusted it to God.
January was our first month without salaries and we waited with bated breath to see what would happen. We had received promises of support from our friends and family (mostly at Tokai Community Church) which equated to 91% of our budget. We were so grateful for that but the question remained: what do we do about the other 9%? And what about the extra unforeseen expenses that don’t fall into the budget? We would just have to wait and see.
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.“
Matthew 6:34
January came and went and at the end of the month when all the data was in, we were amazed! We looked at the final numbers and high-fived and giggled with glee. The total income we received in January was just R67 over our proposed budget.
Only God can meet our needs so precisely! When we see the way God provides one wonders why we were afraid in the first place. God is faithful and He does provide. We just need to trust him.
Michael and I would also just like to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Thank you to all those who have committed to giving regularly to support us and thank you to those who have given “once off” gifts. Your gifts make it possible for us to be here and do God’s work without distractions.