On Saturday, 18 November I was ordained as a presbyter in the Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church of Southern Africa. I am grateful to all who attended and made the day special by helping out in various ways. I am especially grateful to those who travelled to Zambia from Cape Town to share this special moment with Renée and I and Christ Church Lusaka.
Here are some pictures to share the happy moment with you:

I am so grateful to Renee – she is the awesomest wife ever! She has been such a great support to me over the years and a pillar I could lean on during the preparations for this ordination service. She can solve any challenge!
The ordination service

Paul Kayumba, rector of Christ Church Lusaka, is a dear brother in the Lord and my ‘boss’ since I serve under his leadership. He presented me to the bishop to be admitted to the order of presbyter in the REACH denomination.

The REACH presbyters laid their hands on my as Martin prayed: “May God empower you, through the Holy Spirit, for the ministry of a presbyter in the church of God, now committed to you by the laying on our our hands. Preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ”.

I was exhorted and encouraged to preach the Word of God faithfully as Martin handed me a beautiful CSB Bible.

Just before Glenn came up to preach, he handed both Renée and I a multi-tool to remind us that the work of ministry is multifaceted and requires a tool that is capable of handling various challenges that we will face in ministry. The Bible is this tool. What a great practical reminder.
Posing for pictures

I am so grateful to these men who have been a great encouragement to me especially on this day: (left to right) Tom Lunsford, Benjamin Killian, Paul Kayumba, Glenn Lyons, Ronald Kalifungwa, myself, Jeff Shaffer, and Martin Morrison.

SIM missionaries: Tom & Ramonda, Dianne, Darren & Sarah, myself & Renée, and Jeff. Martin and Paul are connected to SIM via a MOU which facilitates us as SIM missionaries working with REACH-Zambia.

Together we serve to make Christ known
It is a wonderful blessing to be part of God’s work here in Lusaka together with other churches and leaders from other denominations and ministries. REACH-Zambia has enjoyed the support of REACH-SA, Tokai Community Church, Lusaka Baptist Church, Africa Christian University, SIM-Zambia, and George Whitefield College. Leaders from these various ministries were present to bring greetings and encouragement.
I am so encouraged by the unity and co-working that exists between these ministries working together to make Christ known.

What is a presbyter anyway?
I found this Gospel Coalition article to be very helpful in describing what a presbyter is.
I will write a blog soon of my own offering an answer too.
Congratulations ❤️😇🙏
Thank you Cindylou 😃.
We are praying for your ministry in Mongu.