Lately, I have been struggling with finding my identity in busyness, or in my case, lack of busyness.
A year ago I was a high-school Science teacher with a busy job. At the beginning of this year I was a missionary to Zambia, learning a new language and working on relationships in a new environment. Now I am in Cape Town, trying to support my very busy husband as he fills in the ministry gaps here at our home church. Where do I fit in?
My role at the moment seems insignificant and small. As I write our newsletter, I can list many things that Michael has accomplished and been busy with but my list is looking rather thin. I prepare meals and host people in our temporary home. On the administrative side, I wrote the newsletters and blogs and have kept our supporters updated on social media. I have listened to Michael’s thoughts for his next sermon or bible study while giving my two cents worth. None of these things seem worthy to report on and suddenly I feel insignificant. The devil brings doubts into my heart. What do I do?
Yearning to Serve
The best way to squash the doubts of the devil is to get stuck in. I started looking for opportunity to serve and contribute in a meaningful way. Once I started asking around, I realised that there was no shortage of opportunity. The question was just, “Where do I start?”. The good news is that I found my place.

Westlake Community Church
Tokai Community Church has planted a church in the Westlake township area called Westlake Community Church (WCC). Westlake Community Church is doing various kinds of outreach in this township but there were two options that appealed to me. The first is the Bible Club which they run at the Primary school on Mondays and Wednesdays. Secondly, they volunteer at ‘Amazing Grace‘ another NPO in the Westlake Township, who serve the primary school children with after-school care.
Bible Club
At Bible Club we meet with children from grades 1-4 after school to teach them the Bible. The children hear true stories from the Bible and learn that Jesus wants to have a relationship with them. We sing Bible songs, tell Bible stories, and give plenty of hugs. These children need to know that they are loved by us but more importantly by Jesus. I was blown away with the impact this was making on these children. They sang enthusiastically and listened attentively. It was surprising how little they know about Jesus and the Bible. The most rewarding part of this was the spontaneous hugs I got from the kids at the end of the sessions. They are looking for someone to care. What an opportunity we have to be able to love them in this way.

Amazing Grace
Despite the name, Amazing Grace is not a faith-based organisation. However, the work that they are doing in Westlake is amazing! The centre serves the community by picking up the children from the primary school at the end of the day. They provide them with a nutritious meal, after which they help them with math, reading and language etc. WCC is partnering with them by bringing volunteers to sit with the children as they work through a worksheet helping them one-on-one so that they understand better. In this way WCC can further build on relationships with the children and the community. To me the most valuable part of this organisation is that they provide a safe place for these little ones to be in the afternoons after school. I don’t think we can fully grasp the value of that.

What a blessing it has been to be involved in our local community in this way. I thank God that I have had this opportunity and I look forward to being able to serve more with them while we wait to return to Zambia.