This Syntax Diagram reveals a beautiful prayer that Paul prays for the Colossian believers. This important prayer is directed to our Father God who is described as having “qualified us”, “rescued us”, and “transferred us in the kingdom of His magnificent Son who is described as having superlative supremacy.
The emphasis here is in the first part of the sentence:
“We have not stopped praying and asking for you to be filled with the knowledge of God’s will”.
Colossians 1:9
Paul then goes on to show what the results of this will be – “so that…”.
Oh, and how brilliant is the description of what God has done for us in Jesus! (Colossians 1:12-14)
God is described as having:
- 1.) Qualified us to inherit;
- 2.) Rescued us from the power of darkness;
- 3.) Transferred us into the kingdom of His Son;
- 4.) Reconciled us to Himself (next video).
Oh, and how brilliant it the description of the supremacy of Jesus! Wow!
The sentence in the Greek text continues until verse 23 (starts at verse 9). I’ll finish the sentence in the next post.
I have included a video below of me working through this passage.
Here’s a PDF of the Greek (SBLGNT) Syntax Diagram of Colossians 1:1-16:
I have included an English Syntax Diagram of this below.
Notice that, so far, we have encountered only two sentences. The first sentence starts at verse 3 with the main verb Εὐχαριστοῦμεν (“We give thanks…”). The second sentence starts at verse 9 with the main verb οὐ παυόμεθα (“we have not stopped…”).
Here’s a PDF of the English (ESV) Syntax Diagram of Colossians 1:1-16:
Here’s a video of me working through this passage:
Here I am doing a Syntax Diagram of Colossians 1:9-16 of the Greek text from the SBLGNT. ( I am using Word to edit the text.
This video starts looking at the second main sentence of Colossians which is too long to complete in this video. I’ll continue this sentence in the next video. In my previous video I did a syntax of the first main sentence of Colossians (vv. 3-8).
See the first part here: