Injuries on the journey
It is with sad hearts that we report that ‘Abe’ has suffered some injuries on the journey. Abe is a vehicle we purchased from Thailand which we named ABRAHAM. The vehicle took on significant damage after an accident with a motorcycle. We thank God that no lives were lost. However, the motorcycle driver has broken his arm and two ribs. Please pray for his full recovery.
Abe crashed with a motorcycle
Last week, after arriving in Dar es Salaam, a transit company was driving Abe down to Lusaka. The crash happened as he was approaching the Zambia border, with only 30km to go, on a windy section of road. A reckless motorcycle driver attempted to overtake a long line of trucks on a blind corner. As our Sovereign God allowed it, Abe was the vehicle approaching that very same corner from the opposite direction. The driver, suddenly seeing the reckless motorcycle hurtling towards him, tried to avoid it by swerving to the side. Unfortunately, the motorcycle also swerved to the same side. The two vehicles collided head-on with the point of contact being the passenger side headlight of Abe.
The transit company now has the challenge of transporting the injured and limping Abe to Lusaka. We can only assess the damage and begin repairs when it arrives. Please pray that Abe will have a safe journey to Lusaka and that the transit company will fulfil their obligation to cover the costs of repair.
Please pray for SIM-Zambia’s operation manager since he is continuing to manage the delivery and repair of ABRAHAM. I am so grateful for Rossi who has handled the purchase and delivery of this vehicle. Rossi has successfully helped many missionaries here in Zambia to bring in their vehicles. I am convinced that he is the best person to bring in ABRAHAM safely.

We don’t have any pictures of the motorcycle.
Thank you for the update, sorry to hear about Abraham. It’s a faith vehicle and Abraham was a man of faith. All will be well except with a bit of delay.
Congratulations on the induction and blessing on both of you.
God bless in the Name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord with love and prayers from Ps Samuel and Aunty Devi Reddy