Making Significant Friends

The rural pastors gathered early in the morning at the ‘lodge’ which Pierre had prepared as the lecture room, this would be a brilliant opportunity for making significant friends. I was really looking forward to meeting these Luvale men as I had heard so much about their ministry in difficult remote areas. These men have a significant role to play in teaching the Luvale people about Jesus. I want to be their friend, to learn from them, to be encouraged by them, and to help them wherever I am able.

This was my first opportunity to see first-hand how the Harvesters Bible School material benefits these local pastors. I have been steadily going through the ‘Harvesters Licensed Trainer’ (HLT) course that will qualify me to teach this material, but I had not yet been part of (or even witnessed) a training session with the Hub Leaders. So, it was for a number of reasons that I was excited to be part of this training session.

What made my day even more is when Pierre (the HLT from Cape Town, South Africa) asked me if I would be willing and able to teach one of the afternoon sessions. Of course I would! I taught the chapters on Holy Communion. During this session, I really was able to connect with these pastors – even use some of the Luvale vocabulary that I had been learning (and learn some new theological terms in Luvale language also). During the lunch and tea breaks I had some wonderful conversations with these men and learned their names and which villages they come from. I was making significant friends with these Luvale pastors! I definitely am keen to visit them more at their homes and learn more about their lives, ministry, and challenges (hopefully in order to help in some way).

These are the men that I feel so deeply called to help to grow in their knowledge of the Bible and how to teach it to their congregations – to help them to know Christ more and to make Him known more.

Please pray for me as I seek to meet up with these pastors more regularly and to read the Bible with them and pray with them. Pray that I may really learn how to best help them to grow in these areas. Pray that we will develop meaningful relationships that will bear fruit for God’s kingdom.

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