We had a great time at Barotse Campus. Michael taught The Pentateuch course to 11 students. Renée had wonderful conversations and teaching time with the ladies.
Some highlights of our time at Barotse Campus
Addressing the Serpent Seed Theory
One clear highlights to me during this time of teaching was encountering and being able to correct false teaching that seems to be prevalent in this area. As I was teaching through Genesis a question popped up from one of these students, about the Serpent Seed Theory of the Branhamite cult. At first I was quite shocked that this theory was even known here in this part of Zambia. But as I spoke to the students and others in Mongu, it became apparent that this is a prevalent teaching here in lots of churches. I was able to do research that evening in order to come up with a clear answer to this false teaching. I trust that God will help these men as they go back to their villages and their churches and have conversations with other people that they will be able to convince them of the truth.

“I led someone to Jesus today”
Another clear highlight is the young lady who surrendered her life to Christ after Renee had a chance to speak to the ladies at Barotse Bible College. Renée came home beaming, “I led someone to Jesus today!”
Renee met with the ladies on two different afternoons. The first afternoon she spoke about the righteousness of God which he gives to us through faith (Romans 3). The second afternoon she spoke on the Holy Spirit from Romans 8. One of the ladies, Mildred, asked, “how is it possible for someone to be born again and yet continue doing evil things?” this lead the discussion to talking about the change that occurs in the believer’s life. Renée also got to share her personal testimony of salvation. This led to Lisa asking about what someone needs to do in order to experience a change. Renee was able to lead her to understand that it is only Jesus who can make that change in her life. She must put her faith in Jesus. And she did!

A summary of our time at Barotse Campus
The journey to Barotse Campus began on February 17, with a visit to the library to identify useful books for the students. The first class on The Pentateuch was taught on February 18, despite the rain and initial logistical challenges. The lectures on the Introduction to the Pentateuch and The Beginning were well-received, and the students asked insightful questions, including intriguing ones about the offspring of Eve and the serpent.
On February 20, the lectures on A World Gone Wrong and A Fresh Start were conducted. The day started with addressing Bernard’s question about the Serpent Seed Theory, and the students were engaged and participated actively. The focus on February 21, was on The Exodus lecture. Despite a scheduling mix-up with the chapel service, the lecture proceeded smoothly, and the students took Quiz 1 after the lecture.
The lecture on The Covenant at Sinai was delivered on February 25. The students were very engaged and asked numerous questions. The previous lecture on The Exodus was also completed. On February 27, lectures on Israel’s Calling and In the Wilderness were conducted. The students were highly engaged and asked many questions.
The final day of teaching on February 28, included lectures on Deuteronomy (Hear, O Israel) and Moses Wrote about Me. Students took Quiz 2 during the last session, with the highest mark being 95% and the lowest 29%. After the lectures, there was a meal at the administration building, where discussions about the need for Langham Preaching and Simeon Trust in Mongu took place. There was also a discussion about the potential for English teaching for students.
Throughout the time at Barotse Campus, the interactions were marked by enthusiastic student participation, insightful questions, and productive discussions with faculty. The teaching sessions were successful, and there is potential for further collaboration and support in the areas of preaching and English teaching.