Is it normal for a MacBook to be Swelling?
I am concerned that the swelling computer might explode! The expanding is getting progressively worse. The screws are straining to hold things together. The aluminium body is buckling and bending. The trackpad is sticking out awkwardly.
I really don’t think it’s healthy for any computer to expand and swell the way that Renee’s MacBook is swelling. It almost looks like it is pregnant!

Initial indications that a battery is brewing
About 2 weeks ago, I first noticed that Renee’s Macbook computer was not closing properly. At first I thought it might be the hinge that is faulty. However, upon further inspection, I discovered that the keyboard and trackpad had swelled up and curved the entire computer body!

Renee’s computer is a 2016 MacBook Pro 13′ which we bought secondhand for R6000 in December 2021. It needed a new battery (which is why it was so cheap). We had the battery replaced by iRestore in Cape Town. Since then the computer has been working well until a month or two ago when suddenly the battery stopped holding a charge. The computer could only be used if it was plugged into the wall socket.
So, when I saw the swelling of the computer, I realised that it must be the battery that is causing this. I quickly Googled “swelling MacBook” which confirmed my suspicions. I also researched how to replace the battery and learned that it was not too difficult.

Help is on the way!
Thankfully, Denzil Abrahams is coming to Zambia for my ordination this weekend, so I ordered a replacement battery and the necessary tools to replace the battery and asked Denzil to bring it with him.
However, I am concerned that the computer might explode! The swelling is getting progressively worse. The screws are straining to hold things together. The aluminium body is buckling and bending. The trackpad is sticking out awkwardly. Denzil arrives tomorrow. I hope I can dismantle the computer in time before lasting damage is done to the internal components.
Pray for me as I try to repair this computer. Pray that the swelling will stop and that we will be able to recover the use of this computer.