Preaching Parables with Precision

I am so grateful for the lessons I learned at the Preaching Parables Simeon Trust Workshop in Kitwe. Wow! I learned so much and had wonderful fellowship with other pastors from various churches in Zambia.

I attended the Simeon Trust Expository Preaching Workshop held in Kitwe, Zambia on 10-12 April 2024 hosted at Faith Baptist Church Riverside, Kitwe.

This workshop was aimed at helping preachers to become more precise expositors of the parables of Jesus. We focussed on the book of Mark.

One of the most helpful things about these workshops are the group discussions. In these groups we each got to present our work on two passages of Scripture. The feedback and discussions were immensely beneficial.

I have certainly grown in my ability to preach from the parables of Jesus more accurately.

“The growth of the gospel through equipping expository preachers”.

Simeon Trust vision
We had wonderful times of fellowship and learning with these pastors

Our top-notch instructors

“In the busyness of preaching preparation, prayer is the easiest to neglect”

Chopo Mwanza, Zambia
Chopo Mwanza
Mark Perinth
John Musyimi

I am really grateful for our three instructors who presented helpful instruction sessions and also gave us great examples of how to apply the principles in the three exposition sessions.

“A parable is usually a story, grounded in the real world, that is used to provoke.”

Mark Perinth, South Africa

“The persuasive preacher applies his argument for the good of his audience.”

John Musyimi, Kenya
John Musyimi presenting an exposition on: “Shooting the Messenger” (Mark 6:14-29)
Felix Mulenga (center-front), Paul Ngoma (right), and all of us were focussed on the instruction.

Help with Cost

This ministry trip for the three of us to Kitwe and back cost me US$644 (ZAR11,900). Please would you pray about helping me to recover some of this cost. If you feel the Lord leading you to do so, please use reference: 55045/Ministry. You can find bank details on our support page.

Great Travel Companions

I had the joy of attending this preaching workshop with our two Ministry Apprentices from Christ Church Lusaka. We had a great time of fellowship in the truck (Abraham) as we drove the tedious 8-hour bumpy road from Lusaka to Kitwe.

We used the time together in the vehicle as we drove to discuss our homework assignments that we were to present at the Study Group sessions. These sessions are some of the most productive times of the Simeon Trust Workshops. It is in these groups that we get to learn from each other and test our own ideas and thoughts regarding the passage.

We did a lot of our homework in the truck on the road to Kitwe
Paul Ngoma was super dedicated and stayed up until 01h00 preparing his presentation.

The Journey to Kitwe

The 390km journey took us 8 hours. The road is decent tarmac but is bumpy and uneven in many places. The main thing that slowed us down was the lack of clear speed signs along the road yet frequent traffic police speed check points. This meant that we kept below 80km/hr most of the way. There were also many large lorries on the narrow road, so going slower was the safer option anyway.

We had to dodge potholes and many lorries on the road
The many heavy lorries are hard on the road.
Abraham – a promise to be a blessing to many!

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