Independent and Dependent

In this month of October we have learned what it means to be both independent and dependent. Renée is currently away in Kenya for a week which means I am quickly learning how to be independent – I realise how much I depend on her now that I’m home alone. Here in Zambia, we celebrated Independence Day on 24 October; and yet six days prior to this we had a National day of Prayer and Fasting – a day on which Zambians remember that we are all united in our dependence on God.

Renée wrote much of this newsletter before she left for Nairobi, I just finished it off. She is an amazing teammate!

The first rains have fallen and the air feels fresh and clean. The layers of dust have been washed off everything. Zambia is looking cleaner and greener. 

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; 
my salvation comes from him. 
Truly he is my rock and my salvation; 
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken”
 Psalm 62:1–2.

Entrusting God to provide a flight to Kenya

As I, Renée, write this newsletter I am in the midst of preparations to leave for Nairobi, Kenya. “Why Kenya?” I hear you ask… God in His Goodness has provided the means and opportunity for me to attend another module of the ENTRUST training course for women’s discipleship. This module is called ‘Facilitating Relational Learning’ and it is taking place in Kenya with attendants from more than 10 different countries. 

You may recall the last module (Developing a Discerning Heart) which I completed in May and wrote about on our website here.

Scholarship Available

When our SIM neighbour and dear friend, Ramonda Lunsford, asked me if I would be keen to attend another module of the Entrust Course, I was torn. I was really keen to go and learn more but we were so tight in our budget. After chatting with Michael about it, he confirmed that we did not have the funds for this and it would be very difficult to raise the funds for me to go to Kenya for this training while there were so many other demands on our supporters. I realised that this was an unrealistic hope and went to turn down the invitation from Ramonda. When I explained the reason for not attending, she told me that there were scholarship funds available for those who didn’t have the funds to attend and encouraged me to apply if I was keen to go.

I am so grateful and humbled by the generosity of those who made those funds available to enable me to attend this training in Kenya. Not only is it growing me in my spiritual walk with God, but it is equipping me to disciple women further and lead Bible studies across many cultures and existing barriers. 

“And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses,
entrust to faithful men and women who will be able to teach others also.”
2 Timothy 2:2

Discussing the Bible with a skeptical believer

I, Michael, have been meeting with David (pseudonym) each week for the past 4 or 5 months to talk to him about the Lord Jesus and the Gospel. When I first met David in March he was introduced to me as ‘atheist’ and ‘not a Christian’. Over the months as we have been meeting and discussing religion God, the Bible, and Christianity, David has become increasingly open to the Gospel.

Two weeks ago, I gave David a Bible. He really loves it and reads it a lot. This past week when we met, we were discussing Adam and Eve’s disobedience in Genesis. We also started reading Colossians together.

Pray for Wisdom and Words

I would appreciate your prayers for David that he will indeed come to know the mystery of God – “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27). I realise that I can do nothing on my own – I am so dependent on God. I depend on God to give me wisdom in my discussions with David, to know how to answer his intriguing questions, and to direct him to Jesus. I would appreciate your prayers for me as I depend on God for wisdom and words.

“God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
Colossians 1:27

ABRAHAM has left his home country

In our last newsletter, we shared the exciting news of us purchasing a vehicle (which we have named ABRAHAM) from Thailand. Like Abraham of the Bible, ABRAHAM has left his home country (Thailand) and is headed to a (Zambia) country where God will use him to be a blessing to many.

“I will bless you…so that you will be a blessing”
Genesis 12:2 ESV

The shipping company informed us that ABRAHAM is currently in transit on a ship in the Indian Ocean on his way to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He is scheduled to arrive in Dar on 13 November. From Dar, ABRAHAM will be transported by road to Lusaka and then be delivered to us.

We are grateful to Rossi, the SIM operations manager here in Zambia, for all he has done and is doing to help us find this vehicle, arrange purchase and shipping, and ensure import and registration is done right. Rossi is a huge blessing to us.

ABRAHAM is a 2006 Toyota Hilux 3.0lt D4D 4×4 Double-Cab. 

This vehicle will serve us well both in Lusaka and in Barotseland in Western Zambia.

ABRAHAM is in transit between Thailand and Zambia
ABRAHAM is looking forward to arriving in Zambia

“I will bless you…so that you will be a blessing.”
Genesis 12:2

Church Growth

This past month has been encouraging to our hearts as we saw new faces coming to our church. The Madsen family (Isaac, Faith and their three children) from the USA found information about the church on our new church website and have been attending since the end of last month. Another new face to the church was a Zambian soldier (Biden Phiri) who attended church in full army uniform (gun included). He really enjoyed the service and showed his gratitude afterwards by stopping all the traffic in the main road so all our vehicles could leave the church venue in peace! It has been nice to see some diversity and flavour in the church growth.

Biden posing with Eliel and Chilambu
Fellowship outside after church

Independence Day Fellowship

October 24 was Independence Day in Zambia. We invited the church to our home for a ‘bring-and-share’ fellowship meal (in the US this would be called a ‘pot-luck’). It was such a wonderful time of fellowship. We had braai meat, ‘5-finger’ (nshima), Lina’s tasty rice with tomato relish, salads, and to top it all off a Zambia Flag chocolate cake which Faith Madsen made.

Although the food was good, the fellowship was way better. It was a really wonderful time of fellowship together and getting to know one another better. These are the wonderful people that God has called us to serve for this season. They are a great blessing to us. It is a privilege to share life with these brothers and sisters as we, together, grow in our knowledge and love for Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

“For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.”
Romans 8:2

Teacher Mpambili

We have seen God at work growing a young man into a wonderful children’s worker in the ministry at Christ Church Lusaka. Mr. Paul Ngoma (nicknamed: Teacher Mpambili) is a qualified primary school teacher and a gifted children’s worker. Over the past month we have started giving him more and more opportunity to teach the children on Sundays and be involved in the children’s ministry. It is thrilling to see his gifts come to play in this role. 

Diligent Study

Paul is one of those being trained through the GYD program. His diligence and interest is evident in his punctual attendance and thorough study of the materials. He often has a number of keen questions and pertinent comments about the course readings. We pray that God will continue to grow him into an effective servant in kid’s ministry.

At the moment Renée is still preparing all the worksheets and materials for the Sunday kids slot. Renée and Paul alternate each Sunday taking turns to teach the kids. Our hope is for him to eventually be able to take over this role as children’s worker for Christ Church Lusaka. 

The kids get age-appropriate worksheets to work through during church
Renée teaching the kids

Halfway through EXPLORE!

We praise the Lord for the successful completion of module 4 of the Explore Course. This means that our students are halfway through the Explore Course! We thank God for this progress. It has been a blessed time engaging with and grappling with the teachings of the Bible together with Rasford, Titus, Paul, Felix, and Renée.

Before jumping into the next Explore module, Michael thought to take some time to go through more of the Simeon Trust  materials with the men. These teaching videos and lessons have impacted Michael’s sermon preparations and preaching greatly and hopefully it can help these men as well. 

Explore students writing Exams for Module 4: Explore the World's Creator
Going through some Simeon Trust preaching training videos

“Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.”
1 Timothy 4:15

A Zulu in Cape Town!

We thank God that Rasford Zulu’s application to study at GWC in 2024 has been successful! He will be travelling to Cape Town in January to begin a BTh degree in theology. This is a massive answer to prayer. He has also been awarded a bursary which will cover his tuition, accommodation, meals, and living expenses. Wow! God is has provided through His generous people. 

Please pray for Rasford Zulu as he applies for his study visa and looks for sponsorship to cover his travel expenses to Cape Town.

Titus is Trusting to travel too

Titus Chifita has also applied to GWC to study next year. He is trusting God that his application will be successful and that he can join Rasford Zulu on his journey through the BTh degree course in Cape Town.

Please pray for Titus as he waits for confirmation of both his acceptance to GWC as well as being awarded a bursary. Titus’ application was handed in a little late, but GWC has been most accommodating, for this we are grateful. We now depend on God for a favourable response from the college.

Bishop Barnet's welcome visit from Malawi

It was a great joy for us to be reunited with our old friend from Malawi. We worked with Bishop Barnet Phiri from Liwonde, Malawi for a number of years between 2010-2016. He travelled to Lusaka in October for a conference and we were blessed to be able to host him for a couple of nights in our home. We had a wonderful reunion as we reminisced about God’s work in us and through us over the years.

Money Matters - in God we TRUST!

In October, we have really had to depend on God for our financial situation. Last month we shared with you that our support levels are not where they should be. We are so grateful to those who responded to this news with concern and have been praying for us. As a result, we are happy to report that some people have committed to partner with us financially for the growth of God’s kingdom here in Zambia. 

Our monthly support income has now increased from 51% to 64%. Even though this is not 100% yet, it is a wonderful answer to prayer and confirmation that God is the one who provides our every need. He works in the hearts of His people to join His work by giving to those in the mission field.

If you would like more details regarding our budget and financial needs, please don’t hesitate to contact us for info. 

If you are not yet supporting us, please will you prayerfully consider partnering with us financially. We could definitely use your help. Click here for details on how to support us.

We value your support

October SUPPORT ACCOUNT vs. Budget
SUPPORT funds received 64%

SIM financial year starts in October. So the annual support received for 2024 is equal to support received in October.

October MINISTRY ACCOUNT income vs. Ministry Costs
MINISTRY funds received 25%

We have a dedicated SIM account where we receive funds to be used specifically for ministry. We are currently receiving R750 per month in our ministry account. This covers 25% of the ministry expenses we incurred in October.

Vehicle Funds
Financial gifts received for a vehicle 94%

We received a total of R223,350, US$1100, and ZMW2000 to purchase a vehicle. This works out to about US$13200. We have paid USD11450 to purchase and have the vehicle shipped to Dar es Salaam. It will cost another US$2700 to get the vehicle to Lusaka. We are slightly anxious about the US$/Rand exchange rate.


It was a great privilege for me to preach at Christ Church Lusaka two Sundays in October. We’ve been going through the book of Acts. I preached on:

  •  “Silence your criticism and give God glory” from Acts 11:1-18.
  • “Tell others of how God has delivered you” from Acts 11:27-12:25.

Praise God For:

  • New supporters who have started supporting us;
  • New people attending at Christ Church Lusaka;
  • Rasford’s confirmation of acceptance and bursary to study at GWC next year;
  • Vehicle purchase and transit progress

Pray For:

  • More support to cover the deficit;
  • Titus’ application to GWC to be successful;
  • Safe passage for our vehicle (ABRAHAM);
  • David to come to a salvation;
  • Wisdom and words for me as I discuss the Bible with David;

Previous Newsletters

Rest and Relationship

We thank God for rest and reconnection with family and friends back in South Africa as we attended REACH-SA synod.

Blossoms Build Expectation

The children’s ministry is growing, and we are noticing more and more children bringing their friends along.

Celebrating New Birth

We praise God for the arrival of the three most beautiful kittens and all the joy they bring to us. She is such a good mommy