Winter Blues and Blessings

Greetings from a very dry and dusty Lusaka amidst the deep winter blues. The temperatures have been relatively moderate for winter and things are dryer than ever due to the lack of rain. Given the extensive hours of load-shedding we are experiencing at the moment it’s probably a good thing we don’t have the usual cold winter weather. Thankfully it has also made our early morning visits to Caleb at House of Moses much easier.

The change in season can be felt throughout the city, with many people going down with flu or cold. The long 12 hours without electricity each day results in many people feeling depressed and desperate. Health is often taken for granted until you don’t have it.  It reminds us to thank God for strength and good health when we have it.

Despite the winter blues we may experience from time to time, we have many blessings to share with you this month.

  • Induction of New SIM Zambia director
  • New Sermon Series on Evangelism
  • New Apprentice for Christ Church Lusaka
  • The Joys of Visiting Caleb
  • Solar Panels and Vehicle Maintenance

“We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
Romans 5:3-5

Induction Celebrations

On the 14th of July we celebrated with the SIM Zambia team at the induction of our new director Kifle Berhanu and his wife Bethlehem. It was a very special evening for all of us. It signals the start of a new chapter for those of us living and working here in Zambia. A change like this also leaves us with some sadness as we are also saying goodbye to Jeff and Rose Shaffer who have been in those roles till now. The Shaffer’s came to Zambia when they were about our age and have been serving in Zambia for over 30 years. What a testimony! We pray that God will sustain us that we may also be serving him so faithfully 30 years from now.

It was also lovely to have Benjamin Pillay, our SIM-South Africa director (and interim Regional Director), join us in Zambia to celebrate this important transition. We had a lovely time fellowshipping with him during his time here.

Left to right: Benjamin, Betty, Renée, Kifle, and Michael
Left to right: Jeff, Rose, Benjamin, Betty, and Kifle

The Importance of Evangelism

This week at Christ Church Lusaka Michael started a new preaching series on the theme of the Gospel and Evangelism. This is a topic that has been very dear to Michael’s heart and he felt that the foundation of our faith is the Gospel and knowing how to share it. This is a great need in Zambia, but in truth it is needed everywhere in the world. We are praying that this series will really cut deep into people’s hearts and stir them up to share the good news with their communities. 

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”
Romans 1:16

Another Apprentice: Answer to Prayer​

Since the first of July a second apprentice, Gregory Chimbwali, has joined the church ministry team. Every week the two apprentices (Paul Ngoma and Gregory) come to our home and work alongside Michael to learn what ministry is all about.  They assist with preparing the ‘Order of Service’ and PowerPoint for Sunday, while learning about congregational prayer, public reading of scripture and sermon preparation. Michael spends hours with them teaching and mentoring them in discipleship and ministry. Paul Ngoma is now leading all the growth groups that Michael was leading. This has truly been such a great help to us while we have been bonding with Caleb at House of Moses.

It has been so encouraging to see Paul now teaching and guiding Gregory in the things that he has learnt and become competent in. What a blessing to be able to see some of the fruit of your labors. It has also been such a blessing to have the extra assistance while we are still visiting our little boy, Caleb, at House of Moses. This couldn’t have come at a better time.

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15

Caleb Growing Fast

Michael and I are still going every morning and evening to visit Caleb at the House of Moses to bond with him. It’s a great joy for us to be able to play with him and bath and feed him every day. He is so precious and growing so fast. He’s almost crawling now and there are two little teeth about to push through on the bottom. It is so special to be able to be there to see him grow and develop. Hopefully it won’t be too much longer before he can come home with us. It is hard to be patient but we are learning to trust in God’s timing. 

Thankful Hearts!

Thank you to those who have lovingly contributed to the solar panels and helped cover that cost. Because of your help with the cost of the solar panels, we were able to do some much-needed maintenance on our vehicle.  We also say thank you to those who continuously support us on a monthly basis. It is such a relief to know that we are not alone. God has given us a team of partners praying for us and carrying us making it possible for us to focus on the work here.

Praise God For:

  • providing for the solar panels and vehicle maintenance that was needed.
  • the new church apprentice, Gregory Chimbwali.
  • the new SIM Zambia director and his wife, Kifle and Bethlehem Berhanu.
  • the testimony of faithful service of Jeff and Rose Shaffer for the past 30 years in Zambia.

Pray For:

  • the new preaching series on Evangelism to bear fruit and bring more people into God’s Kingdom.
  • the apprentices to grow and learn to do effective ministry for God’s Kingdom
  • the administrative process to be completed for Caleb to come home soon.
  • Patience and focus as we continue to visit Caleb and do ministry while we wait for him to be released.

We are missionaries serving with SIM-Zambia. We rely totally on donor support to keep us in the mission field.

Please would you prayerfully consider supporting us financially.

Standard Bank, Blue Route (025609)

Account name: SIM Southern Africa.

Account number: 072877014

Please use reference: 55045

You can direct your support to us through SIM or directly to our personal South African bank account. Find other ways how you can support us here: