When it rains it pours!
They say when it rains it pours and boy have we experienced all of that in the last two months. Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, it got worse! It has been a true test of faith and endurance. We have been through some trying times but we truly saw God’s hand through it all.
Since we haven’t had time for August’s newsletter amidst the crisis, this one will cover both August and September topics:
- Emergencies and Surgeries
- Desperate for rain; Grateful for solar power
- Preaching series
- Explore Facilitator’s Training
- Update on Caleb: “Let my people go!”
- Support level: 67%
“Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.“
Proverbs 19:21
Surgeries and Emergencies
“If ever I need a surgery I am never doing it here in Zambia!” These were my very adamant and somewhat ignorant words to Michael. I had just returned from the hospital while visiting a missionary friend who had just had surgery. I was deeply concerned for her wellbeing – the nursing care was absent and dismissive! Although the hospital was new and clean, it was clinical and cold and didn’t provide food or comfort to the patient. Her cries of pain fell on deaf ears. I mentally compared it to the hospitals in South Africa and determined in my heart that if we ever needed surgery, we were flying to South Africa for it. We certainly would not have surgery in Zambia! I had no idea what was lying in wait for us just hours later.

Excruciating Pain!
That evening while visiting Caleb, I started experiencing cramps and pain in my abdomen. I was laying on the ground with my knees bent trying to find a comfortable position. Everything hurt. While driving home, Michael asked me what’s for dinner. I told him I couldn’t even think about dinner because I was so nauseous.
We hardly made it home before I had to be sick. We didn’t sleep much that night. I was in so much pain and kept running to the bathroom to throw up. I thought it could be something I ate, so I took a charcoal tablet. But that didn’t stay down for 15 minutes. Every sip of water I took came up a few minutes later. As the morning broke I told Michael that I would need to go to the doctor because I felt dehydrated and in so much pain. At this stage the pain had moved to my lower abdomen and it felt like my intestines had twisted up into a knot.
Never say never...
Michael took me to the Coptic Hospital which came recommended by other missionaries. Once the doctor had examined me he diagnosed me with acute appendicitis and emergency surgery was needed right away. Our first question was if we would be able to fly to South Africa for the surgery? His reply was not what I wanted to hear. My nightmare had become a reality. I was going to have surgery in Zambia!
It's not so bad after all 🤗
After a quick and successful surgery and a few days stay in hospital I can definitely say that I have changed my mind. My room was beautiful, the doctors were great and the after-surgery care was excellent. I would be happy to have future medical emergencies taken care of by this hospital.

Fighting Parasites!
A few days later I had the privilege of experiencing their great hospitality once again after enduring pain, fever and diarrhoea. Our concern was that it was surgery related, but it turned out to be nasty case of bacterial parasites infesting my gut. I was sent home with a pharmacy of meds to restore me to good health. I am happy to say that I am well on the way to being back to my usual naughty self.🤪

“You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance.“
Psalm 32:7
If only it would rain in Zambia!
Zambia is facing a severe drought. This has affected the production of maize harshly and made the staple diet of ‘shima’ exorbitantly expensive. People are really struggling to afford to feed their families. Please pray that this rainy season (expected to start end of October) will provide plenty rain.
Without rain, there's NO electricity!
Here in Lusaka, we sometimes go days without electricity! Officially, we have been promised by the power company that we will be provided with three hours of electricity per day. However, sometimes we only get electricity for five minutes a day! Zambia desperately needs a good rainy season this year. Please pray for rain.
“sometimes we only get electricity for five minutes a day”
"When it rains, it pours" - a blessed contradiction
The saying, “when it rains, it pours”, is often taken negatively – meaning that when trouble comes, whole lot of trouble comes. However, let me take the liberty to stretch this saying to cover some blessed proportions. Hear me out:
Let’s take “when it rains” to refer to the electricity blackouts we are facing in Zambia. This is a huge problem to all of us here. Yet, though this problem has hit us hard, I see the rest of the saying, “when it pours”, to refer to God’s abundant blessings sustaining us through this harsh challenge by providing solar power!
The Blessing of Solar Power!!!
You see, God has blessed us over and above beyond our expectations. Through some of our generous supporters, God has provided a powerful solar system for us! Thank you so much for those who responded to the need we described in our last newsletter. Our expectations were small, but your response was huge! We are so grateful to God for you.
Our solar system provides us with enough electricity to have power all day and all night. We even have enough to help our neighbours. We have been running cables out to share electricity with our neighbours who don’t have solar; we have been doing loads of laundry for others, people send their phones and computers to our home to get charged. God has poured out His blessings so wonderfully for us.
Truly, when it rains (when problems come), it pours (God pours out His blessings)

“Therefore let everyone who is godly
offer prayer to you at a time when you may be found;
surely in the rush of great waters,
they shall not reach him.“
Psalm 32:6
Evangelism Sermon Series
In August at Christ Church Lusaka, we completed a 4 part series on Evangelism. This had been on Michael’s heart for quite some time. We know that the Gospel is at the heart of church growth and it is the Power of God (Romans 1:16). But how will they know if they don’t hear? In the past we have seen “christians” coming to salvation while attending an evangelism training because they had never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ preached to them. Our prayer is that the true Gospel of Jesus would spread through Zambia and demolish all the false “gospels” being taught.

Sermon Series in Psalms
The Church is currently going through a new series covering the penitential Psalms. This follows very nicely on the Evangelism series. It is so important for us to admit our sinfulness before a Holy God and come to Him in humility because only in Him can salvation be found. Pray for Christ Church Lusaka, that many will come to understand their need for a Saviour.

Preparing our Apprentice to Preach
Michael spent weeks with our ministry apprentice, Paul Ngoma, discussing Psalm 102 which he was to preach. It has been such a blessing to see the growth in Paul Ngoma who has a keen desire to understand the truth in the passage and help others to understand it too. Please continue to pray for Paul Ngoma as he grows in his God-given gifts to lead people to the truths in God’s Word.

“I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching“
2 Timothy 4:1-2
Explore Facilitator's Training
The Explore course has been a great tool for us here in Zambia so we were so grateful to be invited to attend the Explore Facilitator’s training. Not only was it a useful training for us, but it was also a great opportunity for meeting other pastors and leaders working in Lusaka. It was a great encouragement for us to see how God is using Explore in so many parts of Zambia.

“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.”
2 Timothy 2:2
Caleb Update
Caleb is still not home with us but we feel like we’ve made a little progress. We discovered that our case worker was on medical leave for a couple of months and the social workers who’ve been communicating with us were in fact, not our case workers. They were just lending a helping hand while our case worker was unavailable. They guided us to get our file and paperwork ready so that when our case worker returns, things could move smoothly in the right direction.
In the meantime, we are still visiting him daily and enjoying every minute with him. He is growing fast. Two little teeth have made their appearance with minimal trouble. Caleb is a curious little boy who wants to explore everything. He can crawl like a pro and often pulls himself up to stand up against things. The coordination is not all there yet, but he is so eager to walk. His vocabulary of sounds is growing and the other day he called me mamma for the first time.
Please pray that he will be able to come home with us soon.

“Let my people go!”
Exodus 5:1; 7:16; 8:1, 20, 21; 9:1, 13; 10:3.
We need more support
We have just met with the SIM-South Africa treasurer to discuss our support levels for this past financial year (October 2023-September 2024). It is with much gratitude to God that we must say thank you to all who are supporting us so faithfully. Thank you for your partnership. The truth is, that we need more support. our current support only covers 67% of our budget needs.
Please Pray that God will provide our needs
Please will you join us in prayer as we trust God to provide more support to cover all our budget needs.

“And I will make them and the places all around my hill a blessing, and I will send down the showers in their season; they shall be showers of blessing.”
Ezekiel 34:26
If you would like to support us...
We are in need of more support to meet our budget needs here in Zambia. Please would you pray about joining those who financially support us. If you would like to find details on how to support us, please click on the link below:
Praise God For:
- The successful surgery and good recovery for Renee.
- Our backup solar power system that has been such a blessing to us and others that we could help.
- The Explore Facilitator’s Training that was completed successfully this past month.
- The apprentice training program that helps us train leaders for Christ Church Lusaka.
- For Paul Ngoma, our apprentice, who has been such a help and is thriving in the program.
Pray For:
- Zambia: for rain and for the people who are suffering right now.
- Caleb to come home soon.
- The apprenticeship program to grow and more apprentices to train.
- The preaching series on the Penitential Psalms, that it would speak into the hearts of people.
- God to raise up partners in the Gospel with us and provide what is lacking in our support.