Opportunity for Ministry to Women

Recently I had an encouraging opportunity for ministry to women at a women’s conference here in Chavuma.
Pastor Davey asked me to share a devotion with the women at the Church of the Nazarene Women’s conference. At first I felt a bit daunted at the idea especially because no one was going to go with me.

It was my first experience going all by myself. I felt a bit anxious, but my fears were dispelled when I arrived there. The women welcomed me and I felt at home with them. I was grateful for the little bit of Luvale I had already learned. This enabled me to really feel a part of the women there. 

Old and New Friends

Some of the women had already met me when we hosted the Dorcas ladies at the mission base. However, some of them were meeting me for the very first time.

God used our time together to really grow our understanding of the Word of God. We looked at 2 Timothy 3:1-7 which deals with the godlessness of the last days. We looked at the signs of godlessness which may be found in our own hearts. Furthermore, we challenged one another to be careful not to be led astray. We came away feeling really encouraged, blessed and uplifted by our time together. 

I enjoyed being a part of the singing of the women as they worshiped God together. We thank God for these opportunities to engage with these women who have such a heart to know God more.

The Dorcas Ladies in uniform singing and dancing

I pray that God would equip me and give me discernment. Pray for me that I will be able to serve them as I share with them from God’s Word. I ask that you pray for deeper relationships with these women. Pray that we can better understand their needs and find ways to help them in their needs.

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