Growth Groups and Venue Troubles
This month has seen the start of Growth Groups at Christ Church Lusaka and we know that with growth there is the expectation for change. Thankfully things have settled into some sort of rhythm here in Lusaka, Zambia.
We are excited to share with you what God has been doing in Zambia in this past month and the privilege we have of being part of it. You can look forward to reading about:
- the start up of Growth Groups,
- the rewards of Children’s Ministry,
- preaching the Word,
- Michael’s exciting trip to Kitwe,
- and the search for a new venue for our church.
“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.”
1 Thessalonians 3:12
Growth Groups

The ministry with Christ Church Lusaka has been developing, and growing. A few weeks ago the “Growth Groups” started up. This could otherwise be called a mid-week bible study, connect group or cell group. It is simply a Bible study held in the home of a congregant and it’s open for anyone in the community to attend. These growth groups are really the heartbeat of the church and have been so valuable and encouraging for us. It has opened up the communities to us giving us a glimpse into the lives of the people we are here to serve with.

During these Bible studies we grow in our understanding of God’s Word but also in our relationships with those who attend Christ Church Lusaka. After studying the Word we share our prayer requests. Through this we really learn about the joys and sorrows of these new friends of ours. There are two groups that we are involved in. What a joy to be able to share life in this way.

Let the Little Children Come

This past Sunday I was seated next to one of our older children, Moses, while he was working through his worksheet. I designed the questions on the worksheet to get the students engaged with the text. It encourages them to pay close attention to the sermon. I had my doubts about whether it was working but this week God encouraged my heart. As I glanced over at Moses’ worksheet I noticed some blank spaces and some incorrect answers. I resisted the urge to point them out to him.

Throughout the sermon I noticed Moses paying close attention as Michael preached. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him react as he heard the answer that he was looking for and quickly scribble it into the correct place on the worksheet. As the sermon continued, Moses also realised one of his answers was wrong. I saw him scratch out the incorrect answer, correcting it. My heart was so encouraged by this. Just there in that moment I thanked God that I can be a part of growing these little children in their knowledge of God and His Word.

Preaching the Word
The past three weeks Michael has had the opportunity to preach every Sunday at Christ Church Lusaka. He has really enjoyed spending time in God’s Word and preparing to bring it to the people. Michael will also be preaching three Sundays in April. Please pray that God will guide him in his preparation and that God’s people will be nourished and drawn closer to Him.

Simeon Trust in Kitwe
Last week, Michael had the wonderful opportunity to attend a preaching workshop in Kitwe. This workshop is run by Simeon Trust and has been on his Wishlist for quite some time. Fortunately, God opened the door for Michael to be able to attend this workshop not too far from where we are based. It did require a long bus trip and a bit of a financial output (R5000) but all in all he found it to be so valuable. He felt better equipped to bring God’s Word out in a clearer and more simple way.
Search for a New Venue
Christ Church Lusaka is currently meeting in a lecture room at the University of Zambia (UNZA). This venue, although relatively central in terms of location, has not been ideal for the growth of the Church or the Children’s Ministry.

A few weeks ago we were informed by UNZA that they will no longer be hosting any other outside groups on the campus and we would need to find a new venue. Thus the search for a new and appropriate venue has started. This has proved to be a bit of a challenge however. We require something centrally located, affordable and hopefully with additional space available for the running of the Children’s Ministry. We would also like to enjoy fellowship over tea or coffee after the service. Despite it being a challenge, we are thrilled at the exciting possibilities that this change would bring. We trust that this challenge would turn out to be a blessing in disguise!

Thank you for your love and partnership with us in the Gospel work here in Zambia. You are a vital part of the team and we really appreciate you.
Praise God For:
- the weekly Growth Groups that have started up.
monthly financial support that enables us to pay our bills.
Pray For:
- that the Children’s ministry will continue to grow and meet the needs of the children at Christ Church Lusaka.
- the Explore courses that are running with the two groups.
- Christ Church Lusaka to find the right venue soon.
- ministry funding to cover ministry costs.
- the provision a vehicle for us here in Lusaka
We are missionaries serving with SIM-Zambia. We rely totally on donor support to keep us in the mission field.
Please would you prayerfully consider supporting us financially. You can direct your support to us through SIM or directly to our personal South African bank account. Find out how you can support us here: