Blown away in August
Greetings from a windy Lusaka, Zambia!
The August winds are blowing, and a change of season is in the air. Our mango tree is heavy with blossoms and this builds expectation for the harvest of delicious mangoes lying ahead. The dry and dusty atmosphere, although unpleasant at times, makes for spectacular sunsets.
This month has been busy as usual, and we would love to share with you the following news:
- Membership classes at CCL
- Applications for students at GWC
- SYNOD in September
- Updates on ministry
- Home life update

“He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”
Colossians 1:28-29
Membership Classes Underway!
This month we finally started the membership classes at Christ Church Lusaka. As a new church, Christ Church Lusaka had attendants but didn’t have any official membership and consequently no council or wardens to make decisions for the church. Without members, no council can be elected and without membership classes, no one could become members.
Doc. Paul Kayumba was able to take some leave to work on a program for these classes and on the 13th of August membership classes were started. The classes take place for about 45 minutes after Sunday worship services, and we have been excited to see how many have attended these meetings. We hope to see a growth in the church as the attendants take ownership of their church and start building together.

Students for GWC
Our desire has been to send two of our pastoral students to GWC in 2024 so that they can be trained up to assist in the pastoral work and future church planting of REACH-Zambia. We have been working hard towards that goal and have started the application process for two of the men. We have been told that there are bursary and scholarship funds available for one of the applicants which will cover tuition and boarding – this is awesome! However, we are still trusting God for funds for the second applicant.
If only one of the two applicants can go to GWC next year, we would like to employ the second applicant as full-time apprentice for the church to prepare him for the studies at GWC. We are trying to raise an amount of R2000 per month to pay as a stipend to offer him a full-time Apprenticeship for 2024. This is one of the main reasons that we are going to attend the SYNOD this year in South Africa – to network with other REACH churches who can partner with what God is doing in Zambia.

SYNOD in Durban
This year’s church synod is taking place in Durban from the 11-13 of September. Bishop Martin Morrison strongly encouraged us to make every effort to attend the SYNOD to raise awareness, network and raise funds for these church needs. We don’t really have the budget to fly to SA right now, but God has been providing and we feel confident that we will have the full amount needed for our tickets to SA and back. We will also be staying a week or so longer in Durban to take a much-needed break and get some medical things done. There is also the possibility that we may be able to purchase a ministry vehicle while in SA and drive it back up to Zambia instead of flying back.

Ministry Updates
In anticipation for us being away for about two weeks in September, Michael has been taking on more preaching opportunities back-to-back. The church is currently doing a series through the book of Acts and it has been so appropriate for the church in its current stage of growth and new beginnings.

The children’s ministry is also growing, and we are noticing more and more children bringing their friends along. We are super grateful to Martin Morrison for arranging funding for our Kid’s Ministry workers to get trained though the UK-based ministry called Growing Young Disciples. Mr. Paul Ngoma, one of our trainees, has been signed up for a 3-year online program in Kid’s ministry which starts end of September. He is now assisting with the children’s ministry on Sundays and will in the future take over that role from me. He has a gift with children’s work, and we can’t wait to see what the Lord is going to do through him.

Growth Groups, Explore, and 0ne-2-one
The weekly Bible studies, Explore Courses and one-on-one discipleship meetings are still going on and growing. We have seen the value of these meetings for the people we are meeting with but also for us as we learn more about them and the culture. Michael meets one-on-one with at least 5 men every week and I meet with 3 ladies every week.

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:6
Watson Home News
Our three little kittens are growing so fast. They are now playing and eating and keeping us so busy. They are adorable! (Except when they pee on the bed in the middle of the night) We are finding it very difficult to think of rehoming any of them. How do you decide which one of the beautiful kittens to keep and which to send off to someone else? Hopefully they (including mommy Lucy) will be neutered and spayed next week, so we won’t need to worry about a further growth in the family.
Unfortunately, I went down with a cold or flu last week which totally flattened me at a time where I really needed to be up and about. I am on the mend now, but Michael seems to be threatening to come down with it too, so we are dosing him with vitamins and prayers.

Thank you
We are so grateful for all your prayers and support that keeps us going here on the mission field in Zambia. Thank you for being an amazing part of this team.
Praise God For:
- The start of the membership classes that started at CCL.
- The growth in the children’s ministry.
- Paul Ngoma who has started helping with the children’s ministry.
- Funding to train our Kids Ministry team.
- Availability of a bursary to send a student to GWC.
- The upcoming SYNOD opportunity that could raise awareness for the needs here.
Pray For:
- Successful meetings at Synod to raise funds and support for CCL
- Approval and funding for the students who are applying to GWC
- Pray for funds to enable us to employ an apprentice at CCL
- Pray that we would not grow weary or disheartened when faced with many challenges