We are one step closer to Zambia!

Michael has finally submitted and paid for his work visa application for Zambia. He had to wait for police clearance first (a 3-month wait!). So now, having completed this step, we just have to wait some more.

When are we leaving exactly you ask?

We are hoping to leave as early in January as we can, but we don’t have a specific date yet. At the moment it is like playing tetris or some puzzle game.

Before we can leave there are 3 main things we have to get in the following order:

  1. Police clearance certificate which is needed for our visa application.
  2. Work permit/visa which is needed for us to work there and to import the vehicle.
  3. Vehicle importation documents and processes.

The next step (the vehicle export/import) feels a bit formidable. This is our first time doing a vehicle export from SA to Zambia so there are many unknowns for us. Fortunately, we have some good advice from friends in the church who have an export business – this makes us feel a little more secure.

“Beast” in the floodplains

Christmas may delay us

Another possible hitch is that our applications are all happening over the Christmas holiday period and we have no idea which offices are closed over this time and for how long.

Ideally, we get our work visa before the end of November and start the vehicle processing early December which will allow us to leave in the first week of January. But, if there is a delay or any offices close over the holidays we may only leave mid- to late January.

Prayer request

Please pray that Michael’s work visa will be approved in time for us to still get the vehicle export papers ready before the December holidays.

Pray for a smooth and speedy process but most importantly that we will be patient and rest in the will of God.

Thank you for joining us on this adventure.

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