Our Off-Road Fridge has Arrived! 😃

Thank you for everyone who contributed Discovery Miles to enable us to purchase this fridge at an incredible 55% discount! God has really used your generosity to prove to us His faithfulness to provide for our every need. Thank you very much indeed! 

God has proven his faithfulness to us as we trust Him for provisions for Zambia. We are really encouraged by the way He is providing for us through various way – particularly through the generosity of His people.

The Frigid Need

We need a fridge/freezer for our vehicle to keep our meat supplies fresh on the 2 day journey from Lusaka to Chavuma. The particular fridge which will last on the bumpy roads and be effective in keeping our meat fresh is a Snowmaster 65lt Low-Profile Fridge which costs R13999 on the manufacturers website. This fridge is super expensive so we considered our options and tried to find the best possible price.

Black Friday Special!

Renee found an amazing special which we can take advantage of to get this fridge. November brings with it Black Friday which often offers some crazy specials. We found this fridge being offered on Takealot for R10799 (which is at least R3000 cheaper than on the manufacturers website). But this is still more than we are able to pay. 

Discovery Miles Discount

Renee has also found that Discovery Bank offers their clients a ‘Double Discount’ every 15th of the month when paying using Discovery Miles (an e-currency). This means that we could potentially get 40% discount on our purchase.

The Divine Discount!

Since we didn’t have enough Discovery Miles in our account, Renee asked her running group if anyone had any extra Miles they might be willing to sell us so that we can take advantage of this amazing 40% discount. We were blown away by how many folk responded saying they have Miles they will give us – no need to pay for them!

The Matching Numbers

We need a total of 64800 Discovery Miles to make this purchase (10 Miles = R1). After adding up the number of Miles that various people have promised to give us, we will had exactly 64800 Miles. This is precisely the amount we need! 

This has been a great encouragement to me that God will provide our needs exactly when we need them and exactly the amount we need.

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well"

bible, book, pages-1868070.jpg
Jesus Christ
Matthew 6:33

A Visual Representation

Discovery Miles Needed
NEED 100%
Discovery Miles Promised
Discovery Miles Received